Prinsip-Prinsip Muamalah dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam
Muamalah, Islamic Perspective, Islamic EconomicsAbstract
Muamalah in Islam deals with financial issues with the principles of justice, efficiency, transparency, anti-riba, anti-gharar (uncertainty) and social responsibility. This study was conducted with the aim of examining the principles of muamalah from an Islamic economic perspective and how these principles can be applied to the modern economy. The introduction of this study highlights the importance of Muamalah maintaining ethics and morals in economic transactions, especially in the face of increasingly complex global economic developments that are often not based on justice. This study uses qualitative methods and a descriptive-analytical approach. Primary data were obtained through interviews with Islamic economic experts and Islamic banking practitioners, and secondary data were obtained from related literature such as books, journals, and Islamic economic articles. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify the application of muamalah principles in various economic sectors. The results of the study indicate that the principles of muamalah have been widely used in Islamic banking, Islamic investment and Islamic e-commerce with a focus on justice, efficiency and transparency. However, there are challenges in implementing these principles, especially related to the prohibition of gharar and riba in the speculative global financial system. This study concludes that the principle of muamalah can be the foundation for a better and more sustainable economic system, if supported by proper education and regulation.
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