Alternatif Tanpa Riba, Solusi Keuangan Syariah di Era Kontemporer
Islamic finance, usury, financial welfare, financial inclusion, financial technology, regulationAbstract
This article discusses alternative Islamic finance as a solution without usury in the contemporary era. The background to this research focuses on the negative impact of usury practices in the conventional financial system and increasing public awareness of the importance of ethical transactions. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of sharia financial products on people's financial welfare and to evaluate the level of understanding and adoption of sharia financial products in society. This research uses quantitative methods with descriptive and inferential statistical approaches, which include surveys of various community groups who use sharia financial products. The research results show that Islamic financial products such as murabahah, musyarakah, and mudarabah not only encourage more ethical investments, but also increase local economic growth and support sustainable development. However, the main challenge faced is the public's low understanding of sharia principles, which hinders optimizing the potential of this sector. Financial technology (fintech) and collaboration between sharia financial institutions and the government are identified as important factors in expanding access and increasing financial inclusion. In conclusion, despite challenges such as a lack of understanding and the need for better regulation, Islamic finance has great potential to become a key pillar in a fairer and more sustainable global financial system. This research provides recommendations that more efforts should be made to improve education, transparency and collaboration to strengthen the Islamic finance sector in the future.
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