Hawalah dalam Bisnis: dari Ide Ke Eksekusi yang Efektif
Hawalah, international transactions, sharia economics, small and medium businessesAbstract
Hawalah is a debt transfer method that originates from Islamic traditions and is increasingly relevant in the modern business context, especially in international transactions. The background of this research focuses on the importance of understanding and executing effective hawalah to overcome the challenges faced by business actors, such as multiplying exchange rates and payment risks. The aim of this research is to explore the implementation of hawalah in business and identify the factors that influence its effectiveness. The research method used is a qualitative approach, with data collection through in-depth interviews with business people and document analysis from related literature. The research results show that a deep understanding of the hawalah mechanism is very necessary, and information technology support has been proven to increase transaction efficiency and transparency. However, challenges related to data security and the lack of clear regulations are still obstacles. The discussion underscored the importance of education, collaboration with trusted financial institutions, and building trust between the parties involved in the transaction. Overall, hawalah has great potential to support economic growth, especially for small and medium businesses, with the right strategy and in-depth understanding. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of knowledge and business practices in the field of sharia economics.
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