Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Dengan Psychological Well-Being Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat 1 Diploma Tiga Keperawatan Universitas Abulyatama
Social Support, Psychological Well-Being, College StudentAbstract
The first year of college is critical for students because of the psychological pressure and the demand to adapt to a new situation. It becomes one of the indicators of psychological well-being level. This study aimed to acknowledge the correlation of social support with psychological well-being in the first year of diploma nursing students at Universitas Abulyatama. It was a descriptive-analytical study using the cross-sectional approach. The sample comprised 192 nursing students in the first year of their Diploma chosen using the total sampling technique. This study was conducted on May 27th - 31st with the Cronbach Alpha. The results showed the family subscale as 0, 81, the friend's subscale as 0, 82, the other significant subscale as 0, 75, and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Cronbach Alpha = 0.845 for univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi-square test. The result shows that from 192 respondents, the majority has a medium psychological well-being category, 79 respondents (41, 1%), and medium category of social support 84 respondents (43, 8%) with a ρ value = 0,002. In conclusion, there is a correlation between social support and students' psychology. The college provides information on improving students' psychological well-being by practicing positive self-talk, finding a supportive and positive support system, exercising actively, building self-awareness, and focusing on mindfulness and self-respect.
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