Analisis Dynamic Governance pada Program Pospay di PT POS Indonesia Jakarta Selatan
Pos Indonesia, Pospay, Dynamic GovernanceAbstract
With the presence of Pospay, it makes it easier for people to use it. Pospay is an integrated payment service launched by Pos Indonesia. In its implementation there are still several problems, including poor internet network, not being able to make transfers to other banks, so Pos Indonesia must pay attention to existing deficiencies and further improve payment services and others. This research aims to find out and describe the Dynamic Governance Analysis of the Pospay Program at PT Pos Indonesia, South Jakarta. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. This research uses the Dynamic Governance theory of Neo and Chen (2007) with 3 indicators. Research results on thinking ahead indicators for the implementation of the Pospay program carried out by Pos Indonesia in facing the era by updating offline and online service systems. In the Think Again indicator, the program run by Pos Indonesia still has shortcomings that need to be corrected so that it can be even better. There are several suggestions regarding the Pospay program provided. Previously, the service provided by Pospay was still not good, because when I wanted to check the package delivery price , to make BPJS payments you still have to go directly to the Post office. In thinking across indicators of the implementation of the Pospay program, namely the lack of information related to Pospay via social media, making changes to existing programs so that Pos Indonesia can compete with other companies, because currently there are many delivery service companies such as Pos Indonesia so they must be able to provide good services. carried out by employees towards the community.
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