Sosialisasi Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Program Insentif Pada Bisnis Digital Printing
Performance, Incentives, EmployeesAbstract
Singular Digital Printing is the name of a business operating in the printing, digital printing, advertising & merchandise sector. As a business activity in providing services to consumers and in the midst of increasingly tight competition, companies are required to provide services quickly and precisely according to the expectations of today's consumers who want smart services. Therefore, in an effort to motivate the performance of its employees, Singular Digital Printing provides rewards in the form of additional income to its employees in the form of incentives, the results of which have yet to be felt. Suryani (2019) states that incentives are stimuli given to employees with the aim of encouraging employees to act and do something for company goals. In this Community Service, the aim is to carry out socialization activities regarding the mechanism/pattern of giving rewards in the form of additional income in the form of incentives so that when implementing incentives there is a standard operational basis/guidelines, and employees know and understand their rights and obligations. Incentives provided programmatically in the form of performance bonuses, awards or additional allowances have fostered motivation, loyalty and enthusiasm to be more productive and perform better in employees.
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