Tinjauan Psikologis terhadap Motif Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual
sexual violence, perpetrator motives, psychological reviewAbstract
Currently, cases of sexual violence in Indonesia are increasing. This raises questions as to why this is happening. The complex phenomenon of sexual violence is caused by various psychological, social, and cultural factors.This research discusses the motives of perpetrators of sexual violence such as self-control, acts of aggression, and unstable mental conditions. This research uses a qualitative research method with a literature study approach. Through review of the literature, this research will explore the sexual experiences of the and the role of the social environment in shaping his sexual behavior in the present. in the present. The results of this research are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the triggering factors of sexual violence as well as a basis for the development of the basis for the development of more effective sexual violence prevention efforts effective sexual violence prevention efforts.
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