Literature Review : Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Penurunan Gejala Depresi pada Lansia
Elderly, physical activity, depressionAbstract
Elderly in UUD Number 12 of 1998 is someone who has reached the age of 60 years or more. WHO states that the elderly population in Southeast Asia is 8%, around 142 million people. WHO data for 2020 in the Southeast Asia region, the elderly population is 8%, around 142 million people. In Indonesia, based on data obtained by BPS in 2022, it was found that the number of elderly people aged 60 years and over was 10.8% or around 29.3 million people. At this age, people usually tend to experience a decline in body function more easily, due to the aging process that occurs in the elderly. The aim of this literature review is to determine the relationship between physical activity and a decrease in depressive symptoms in the elderly. This research uses a literature review method.based on the results of a literature review of 10 journals, the average results show that the more often elderly people do physical activity, the less symptoms of depression. The results show that physical activity has a significant relationship with reducing depressive symptoms in the elderly. Factors such as intensity, and type of physical activity also influence the effectiveness of reducing depressive symptoms.
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