Pengaruh Media Sosial Instagram Akun @Heelsaddict Sebagai Media Bisnis Online Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen
Heelsaddict, Instagram, Social media, Purchase InterestAbstract
The development of the internet and technology has changed the marketing system, providing opportunities for business people to market their products through online media in promoting their products. Technological advances have created new forms of interaction and socialization, one of which is the innovation of communication technology in the form of social media. One of the most popular and trending social media today is Instagram. The use of Instagram is currently a form of online business communication strategy and Heelsaddict with the @Heelsaddict account, uses Instagram to run a business bag through the process of sending photos and sharing them widely. Heelsaddict is an online shop that sells and provides various collections of local bag products. This study aims to determine how much influence the social media account Instagram @heelsaddict has as an online business media on consumer buying interest. The concept used in this study is Instagram social media and consumer purchasing interest using the AIDA model. This study uses a quantitative method with a survey method approach, using Taro Yamane to obtain a sample of 100 respondents, Non Probability Sampling sampling technique, while the data collection technique uses questionnaires via googleform. The results of the study showed that there was a positive and significant influence between the influence of social media on buying interest with a strong level of influence.
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