Efektivitas Penggunaan Sosial Media Instagram Dalam Branding Brand Baru Di Malam Minggu Group
Branding, Sosial Media, InstagramAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of using Instagram social media in branding a new brand by Malam Minggu Group. Through the approach of marketing communication, creative branding, social media, and digital content marketing, Malam Minggu Group utilizes Instagram as a platform to market their new brand. In this study, a literature review was conducted on these concepts and an analysis was performed on the marketing strategies, branding outcomes through Instagram content, and the effectiveness of using social media in branding a new brand. The results of the study indicate that the use of Instagram social media by Malam Minggu Group effectively builds a strong brand image, increases brand awareness, and expands their brand reach. This study provides insights and recommendations to further enhance the effectiveness of using Instagram social media in branding a new brand.
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