Analisis Strategi Komunikasi Krisis dalam Mempertahankan Reputasi Perusahaan di Situasi Darurat
crisis communication, corporate reputation, Situational Crisis Communication Theory, Integrated Crisis MappingAbstract
In an increasingly connected digital era, companies are faced with great challenges in managing crisis communication to maintain their reputation when facing emergency situations. This research aims to analyze effective crisis communication strategies in maintaining the company's reputation, focusing on the application of the theory of “Situational Crisis Communication Theory” (SCCT) and “Integrated Crisis Mapping” (ICM). The research method used is a qualitative approach through case studies on companies in Indonesia that have faced a reputation crisis. The results show that rapid response, use of social media, and transparency are crucial components in an effective crisis communication strategy. Companies that apply the SCCT approach, taking into account the type of crisis and the appropriate response, prove to be better able to reduce negative impacts and strengthen a positive image in the eyes of the public. In addition, ICM helps companies customize their communication strategies based on audience emotions, such as fear or anger, thus increasing the level of public trust during a crisis. In conclusion, a structured and adaptive crisis communication strategy can help companies maintain and even improve their reputation in emergency situations.
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