Strategi Komunikasi Content Creator dalam Meningkatkan Brand Image Melalui Media Sosial Instagram EF Bintaro Sector Nine
Communication, Content Creator, Brand ImageAbstract
Everyone is very curious about each other and what is happening around them, even though they are far apart. In this case, people need communication. Communication occurs through various means, including through mass media. The advantage of using mass media is that the number of target groups or communication methods that can be reached is relatively large and unlimited. There are several important aspects to consider in content marketing, namely the quality and topics that will be of interest to your readers/viewers must be highlighted through their communication and creation strategies. Strategy is also called tactical conclusion in the sense of how to achieve or further achieve a desired goal. Lifestyle in communication provides a view in utilizing existing facilities. Through communication, we can gain meaningful insights and information. How to convey existing messages and contribute to the delivery of existing messages via the Internet. The problem in this thesis is how the communication strategy of content creators / creatives in improving, developing ideas and concepts of brand image through social media Instagram EF Bintaro Sector nine (Case study on @ef_bintarosectornine account). The research design used in this paper is descriptive qualitative research design. Qualitative research focuses on various methods and includes an interpretive and naturalistic approach to the subject matter. Qualitative research can use various data analysis processing methods to obtain data from various sources and run continuously. The results of the study show the Communication Strategy of Content Creators in Improving EF (English First) Instagram Brand Image. From the results of research and discussion, it is known that EF (English First) is an English language education institution built for children to adolescents and EF (English First) is also a place for learning English and creating creative content that can be trusted in the credibility of its content. from the strategies made by EF (English First) content creators with the aim of developing brand image through social media instagram. Based on the results of the discussion in the role of communication according to Effendy (Effendy, 2019), in this theory there are two indicators that researchers apply, namely Attractiveness and Source Credibility.
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