Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram dalam Membentuk Branding Suatu Coffee Shop
Instagram, Branding, Social Media, Coffee Shop, Kawan.cafespaceAbstract
In the current digital era, social media has become one of the most effective marketing tools for businesses. Instagram, as an image-based platform, provides great opportunities for coffee shops to build and develop their brands. This research aims to analyze how Instagram social media is utilized. , especially the Kawan.cafespace Instagram account, in forming the branding of a coffee shop. By taking a case study on this Instagram account, this research tries to understand the strategies and techniques used in forming a strong brand image in the digital realm. Through a qualitative approach and content analysis, this research shows that the use of Instagram from Kawan.cafespace is able to create wide exposure, positive interactions with followers, and build a unique brand identity for the coffee shop. The implications of these findings highlight the importance of using social media in improving branding and online presence for food and beverage businesses such as coffee shops. This research can provide insight for coffee business owners and marketing practitioners to optimize the potential of Instagram social media in strengthening their brand image in the digital market.
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