Pengaruh Penambangan Pasir Terhadap Kondisi Sosial Masyarakat Pesisir: Desa Aeng Batu-Batu
Sand mining, Aeng Batu-Batu Village, Social dynamics, Coastal areasAbstract
The coastal area in Aeng Batu-Batu Village, Galesong, Takalar Regency is one of the areas whose lives depend on marine products, especially on seaweed cultivation as their main livelihood. However, due to the sea mining activities that began in the area since 2017 to meet the needs of infrastructure projects on the Center Point of Indonesia (CPI) reclamation island, it has had a significant impact on the social life of the local community, a change in income that has decreased from seaweed cultivation which has finally made fishermen switch to looking for other marine biota such as crabs and squid. In the context of social dynamics that occur as a result of mining, it has made changes in the daily activities of the local community, especially in the search for income. In this case, the solidarity of the local community is also an important factor in changing habits that occur after sand mining occurs. Sand mining also triggers coastal abrasion which causes houses in coastal areas to be exposed to abrasion. This research uses qualitative methods that focus on interview techniques, observation and literature review which are used to analyze the effects of sand mining on the coastal communities of Aeng Batu-Batu Village. The results of this study show that coastal sand mining has brought changes to the social dynamics and interaction patterns that exist in the community, especially in the management of marine resources and their place of residence. These results are expected to be material for further attention regarding coastal environmental management policies related to the utilization of natural resources, especially for reclamation needs in order to prevent negative impacts that arise in coastal communities.
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