Pembagian Pembayaran Piutang Kreditur Menurut Azas Keadilan Dalam Hukum Kepailitan

(UU No 37 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kepailitan Dan (PKPU))


  • Puja Riani Nasution University Muslim Nusantara Al-Wasliyah Medan
  • Irsyad Agung Miranda University Muslim Nusantara Al-Wasliyah Medan
  • Fikri Ramadhan University Muslim Nusantara Al-Wasliyah Medan
  • Fitra Anugrah Nasution University Muslim Nusantara Al-Wasliyah Medan
  • Hardiansyah Lubis University Muslim Nusantara Al-Wasliyah Medan
  • Tri Reni Novita University Muslim Nusantara Al-Wasliyah Medan



Bankruptcy, Payment, Creditors


Bankruptcy is a business settlement process through litigation, namely through the commercial court. Bankruptcy is regulated in Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations or abbreviated as UUK 2004. Prior to the promulgation of UUK 2004, it was about Faillissement Verordening (Law on Bankruptcy) which was then updated through Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 1998 and then ratified as Law Number 4 of 1998. Based on the explanation in the background section of the problem, the problem is how to take legal action in bankruptcy cases according to Law Number How to distribute payments for creditors' receivables according to the principles of justice in bankruptcy law. In Article 16 paragraph (1) of Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations ("UU 37/2004") it is stated that the curator has the authority to carry out the duties of managing and/or settling bankrupt assets from the date the bankruptcy disclosure is made, even though against the decision, cassation or reconsideration is granted. What is meant by "settlement" is the cashing out of assets to pay or settle debts.


Lilik Mulyadi, Perkara Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pemabayaran Utang (PKPU) Teori dan Praktik, Bandung 2010.

Munir Fuady, Hukum Pailit Dalam Teori dan Praktek, Bandung 2010.

Pasal 1 angka 6 Undang-Undang Kepailitan

Rahayu Hartini, 2009, Penyelesaian Sengketa Kepailitan di Indonesia: Dualisme Kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga dan Lembaga Arbitrase, Kencana, Jakarta.

Robert, 2016, Konsep Utang Dalam Hukum Kepailitan Dikaitkan Dengan Pembuktian Sederhana (Studi Putusan No: 04/Pdt.Sus.Pailit/2015/Pn.Niaga.Jkt.Pst), USU Law Journal, Vol.4.

Sutan Remy Sjahdeini, “Hukum Kepailitan Memahami Faillissementsverordening.....”



How to Cite

Puja Riani Nasution, Irsyad Agung Miranda, Fikri Ramadhan, Fitra Anugrah Nasution, Hardiansyah Lubis, & Tri Reni Novita. (2024). Pembagian Pembayaran Piutang Kreditur Menurut Azas Keadilan Dalam Hukum Kepailitan : (UU No 37 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kepailitan Dan (PKPU)). Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum, 2(3), 01–08.