Peningkatan Keterampilan Literasi Melalui Asesmen Kompetensi Minimal (AKM) Pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Triwung Kidul II Kota Probolinggo
Literacy, AKM, Teaching Campus, Learning OutcomesAbstract
This service activity was motivated by observation data which showed that the literacy skills of grade 5 students were quite low. The implementation of the service aims to provide students with better thinking skills regarding various problems that arise in questions through class AKM which is carried out in 2 sessions, namely pre-test and post-test. This activity was implemented in class 5, which was attended by 18 students. Service activities consist of 3 stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. The results of the service show a significant increase in students' literacy abilities. The increase in AKM scores in class V was supported by the successful implementation of the work program that had been designed by students. From the pre-test to post-test AKM test activities there was good improvement and quite a high increase in literacy skills among students.
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