Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Memajukan Sekolah yang Dipimpinnya
Leadership, School Principals, ManagementAbstract
Leadership is a key factor in the success or failure of an organization across various fields, including business, education, healthcare, social affairs, politics, and governance. It serves as a social mechanism that coordinates relationships among individuals within a community to achieve shared objectives. This study examines educational leadership, focusing on the development of human resources (HR). Utilizing a qualitative approach with library research methods, the study employs documentation for data collection and content analysis for data interpretation. The results indicate that effective and cohesive policies implemented by school principals address areas such as HR development, financial management, technological adoption, and improvements in infrastructure and school culture. These policies contribute to fostering a sustainable and improved educational vision. School principals, as leaders, must craft flexible policies and collaborate with all school and community stakeholders to ensure the achievement of collective goals.
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