Hubungan Self-Efficacy Dengan Tingkat Stres Dalam Menyusun Tugas Akhir Pada Mahasiswa FIKES Universitas Abulyatama


  • Urip Pratama Universitas Abulyatama
  • Gadis Zahratul Oula Universitas Abulyatama
  • Nurul Amna Universitas Abulyatama



Self-efficacy, Stress, College students


The problems experienced by students in completing thesis turn into negative feelings and tend to cause loss of motivation, lack of self-confidence, and stress in students. This study aims to analyze the correlation of self-efficacy with stress levels in completing a thesis on students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Abulyatama. This study used an analytical design with a cross-sectional approach. It involved 173 college students as the sample chosen using a total sampling technique. This study was carried out on May 28th - June 13th, 2024 by using a self-efficacy questionnaire with a Croncbach Alpha value of 0,864 and   a DASS-21 Croncbach Alpha value of 0,75. The data analysis used a chi-square test. The results indicate that most students experienced moderate stress levels as much as 79 students (45,7%) and had moderate self-efficacy as much as 73 students (42,2%), with a ρ value of 0,000. This study shows the correlation between self-efficacy and students' stress levels at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Abulyatama. Further, the university should boost students' motivation and self-efficacy in completing a thesis to prevent stressful occurrences.


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How to Cite

Urip Pratama, Gadis Zahratul Oula, & Nurul Amna. (2024). Hubungan Self-Efficacy Dengan Tingkat Stres Dalam Menyusun Tugas Akhir Pada Mahasiswa FIKES Universitas Abulyatama. DIAGNOSA: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Dan Keperawatan, 2(4), 72–80.