Geographic Information System Mapping the Location of Economically Weak Population at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Southwest Sumba Regency


  • Marselina Bulu Universitas Stella Maris Sumba
  • Cecilia Dai Payon Binti Gabriel Universitas Stella Maris Sumba
  • Titus Kurra Universitas Stella Maris Sumba



Economy, GIS, Location, Mapping, Weak


Geographic information systems are data placed in the context of space and time using computer systems used in the process of storing, manipulating, and analyzing geographic information. The purpose of this research is that the GIS application can help provide information on mapping the location of the economically weak population to the entire community quickly and easily. In addition, it can facilitate employees of the BPS Office of Southwest Sumba Regency in providing correct and accurate data information. The results of this study can help us find the location point quickly.


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How to Cite

Marselina Bulu, Cecilia Dai Payon Binti Gabriel, & Titus Kurra. (2024). Geographic Information System Mapping the Location of Economically Weak Population at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Southwest Sumba Regency. Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer, 2(4), 189–194.

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