Menemukan Jati Diri Guna Menggali Kedalaman Jiwa dan Memahami Hakikat Diri Untuk Meraih Kebahagiaan dan Ketenangan Hidup
Identity, Depth Of Soul, Nature Of Self, Happiness, Peace Of Life.Abstract
Discovering our true identity is a deep journey where we reflect on ourselves, understand the essence of existence, and explore our inner potential. The aim of this research was to explore the process towards deeper self-understanding and how this influences the level of happiness and calm in a person's life. Through a qualitative approach with a focus on literature reviews and in-depth interviews, this research shows that understanding true identity involves awareness of personal values, interpretation of life experiences, and the ability to accept one's own shortcomings and strengths. Research shows that people who succeed in finding their identity usually experience a more meaningful life, are able to face challenges calmly, and experience true happiness. In general, finding one's identity is not only important for understanding one's essence, but is also an important step in achieving a better quality of life. This study suggests doing regular introspection, meditation, and spiritual exploration as a way to better understand yourself. An important focus in life is to explore one's identity and the depths of the soul to reach one's true nature, which ultimately brings happiness and tranquility in life.
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