Menumbuhkan Rasa Kebersamaan Melalui Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat di Hari Kemerdekaan
Togetherness, Independence, Service, CommunityAbstract
Community Service Activities (PEMA) carried out by Mathematics Education students at the North Sumatra State Islamic University in Padang Brahrang Village aim to foster a sense of togetherness through various competitions to commemorate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day. This activity involves the active participation of the local community, including children, teenagers and adults, in various traditional competitions such as tug of war, sack races, pillow hitting and areca nut climbing. The method used is a participatory approach, where students collaborate with the community in planning and implementing activities. The results of this activity show that through competition and social interaction, the sense of togetherness and solidarity among the community is increasing. Apart from that, this activity also strengthens the spirit of nationalism and mutual cooperation. Thus, the celebration of Independence Day is not only an event for entertainment, but also a momentum to strengthen social relations and increase awareness of the importance of unity in social life.
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