The Use Of Betawi Language In The Sundanese Environment
Case Study: Psycholinguistics
Betawi, Sundanese, PsycholinguisticsAbstract
This study aims to describe the use of the Betawi language in the Sundanese environment. The reason is that it is a unique phenomenon that occurs in the nearest environment. In addition, this phenomenon is said to be unique because it is rarely found in every region. So this research is very interesting to develop. The subject in this study is one of the figures in the area. In addition, the community was also included. In this study, the were involved as interview respondents while the community was the object of observation. This research method uses Descriptive Qualitative, so the data from interviews and observations are described descriptively. The process of this research is the first to be carried out is observation whose results will be described in the discussion. After that, interviews were conducted to reveal the results of the phenomenon. Thus, researchers found that the use of the Betawi language in the Sundanese order has existed since before Indonesian independence and the people are indigenous people from the original Betawi.
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