Penyertaan Modal Usaha Dalam Melanjutkan Usaha Warung Kelontong Single Mother di Jakarta Selatan
Single Mother, Dhuafa Family, Equity Participation, Jakarta SelatanAbstract
Single mother are women who are supporting their children alone due to divorce, death of a spouse, or the decision to give birth without a partner. They face huge challenges in managing finances and household responsibilities. BPS 2013 data shows that there are more single mothers in Indonesia than single fathers (14.84% vs. 4.05%). This research examines the case of Mrs. Kiki, a single mother in Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta, who runs a stall after her husband passed away. We provided business capital assistance to expand her business. This step is part of our efforts to support economic empowerment and create a more independent and prosperous community. Economic empowerment is one of the important aspects in empowering the poor
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