Peran Katekese Pra Misa dalam Memperkuat Iman Umat Katolik


  • Fransiska Masandai Jawan Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Institut Pastoral Indonesia Malang
  • Intansakti Pius X Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Institut Pastoral Indonesia Malang



The role of catechesis, pre-mass catechesis, catholics


The pre-mass catechesis is a continuation of the apostolic tradition practiced by the Apostles. Pre-mass catechesis today has a wider understanding than ever before. This is not limited to brief teachings about the Catholic faith but also seeks to prepare Catholics spiritually, intellectually, and personally so that Catholics can attend mass more meaningfully and actively participate. The author uses data collection techniques in the form of observation and interviews. Some of the important roles of pre-mass cateteche are preparing people, deepening understanding of faith, building a strong and effective Christian community. In carrying out pre-mass catechesis does not take a long time, usually 5 to 10 minutes. Pre-Mass catechesis is a form of religious teaching that aims to prepare Catholics spiritually so that they can celebrate the Eucharist with deep understanding, active involvement, and passion. Pre-Mass catechesis is not only the delivery of information, but also the formation of the hearts of Catholics to receive Jesus Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist.


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How to Cite

Fransiska Masandai Jawan, & Intansakti Pius X. (2024). Peran Katekese Pra Misa dalam Memperkuat Iman Umat Katolik. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Dan Teologi, 2(2), 96–104.

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