Analisis Transformasi Digital dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Religi dan Budaya : Studi Kasus Kesultanan Banten
Digital Transformation, Management of Religious and Cultural Tourism, Sultanate of BantenAbstract
Digital transformation in the tourism industry is an important element in increasing competitiveness and tourist destinations. One sector that has great potential to adopt digital technology is religious and cultural tourism, which has high historical and cultural value. This research aims to analyze the implementation of digital transformation in the management of religious and cultural tourism with a case study in the Sultanate of Banten, a historical site that is an important part of Indonesia's historical journey. The Sultanate of Banten has adopted several digital technologies, such as marketing via social media, mobile applications for tourist information, and the use of technology-based visitor management systems. However, the application of digital technology is still limited to promotional and information aspects, while digital-based tourism experience management such as augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) has not been fully implemented. The challenges faced include limited human resources, technological infrastructure, and understanding the long-term benefits of digital transformation. It is recommended that local governments and related parties increase human resource capacity in the field of technology, strengthen digital infrastructure, and develop more interactive digital platforms to improve the quality of tourism experiences. Effective digital transformation can contribute to the management of religious and cultural tourism that is more sustainable and attractive to the younger generation.
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