Partisipasi dan Kontribusi Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Lokal melalui Pengembangan Ekowisata di Desa Warnasari Kec. Pangalengan Kab. Bandung
Economy, Ecotourism, PangalenganAbstract
Village tourism has become one of the alternatives in improving the economy of people in rural areas. The active participation of the community in the development of ecotourism in the village is considered crucial to achieve sustainable success. This study aims to analyze community participation and contribution in increasing local income through the development of tourism in Warnasari village, Paangalengan, Bandung. By understanding the forms of community participation and their impact on income increase, it is hoped that this research can provide effective policy recommendations for sustainable ecotourism development. The method used in this study is qualitative analysis by collecting data through observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature review analysis that supports the theme of this research. The results obtained from the qualitative analysis showed that there was an increase in local registration after tourism development in the Warnasari Village area. However, in addition to the economic impact, this tourism development also has an unfavorable ecological impact so that there is a need for more advanced ecotourism development.
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