Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Core Muscle (Variasi Plank dan Variasi Squat) terhadap Peningatan Hasil Lemparan Ke dalam Pemain Akademi Arema FC U-16


  • Riko Wahyu Prasetiyo Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Mahmud Yunus Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Heri Purnaman Pribadi Universitas Negeri Malang



Core Muscle Training (Plank Variations and Squat Variations), Throw in Football, AREMA FC U16


Football requires players to master the basic techniques of playing football, one of which is the Throw-In. Football players can improve throw-ins through Core Muscle Training with plank variations and squat variations. The Arema FC U16 Academy has a specific training program to improve Throw-In abilities. This research method uses a quasi-experimental method with a "two group pretest posttest design" design. The research population is 38 Arema FC U16 Academy players and a sample of 30 players with a sampling technique using random sampling. This research was carried out in the ITN 2 Malang field and was carried out over 16 meetings. The instrument in this research used a throw in test with a reliability value of 0.73 and a validity of 0.78. The results of this study showed that both groups had a normal distribution with a significance value of 0.938 in the plank group pretest, 0.647 in the plank group posttest, while the squat group pretest had a significance value of 0.465 and the squat group posttest had a significance value of 0.084. The homogeneity test for the two groups has a significance value of 0.391. The hypothesis test of the paired sample t test for the plank group has a significance value of 0.001 and the paired sample t test for the squat group has a significance value of 0.001. while the independent t test between the two groups has a significant difference with a sig value of 0.000, it is known that the plank group has a more significant influence with the difference in the value of the plank group. Based on the results of the paired sample t test and independent t test, it is known that the plank group has a significant difference in influencing the increase in throw-in results for Arema FC U16 Academy players.


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How to Cite

Riko Wahyu Prasetiyo, Mahmud Yunus, & Heri Purnaman Pribadi. (2024). Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Core Muscle (Variasi Plank dan Variasi Squat) terhadap Peningatan Hasil Lemparan Ke dalam Pemain Akademi Arema FC U-16 . Jurnal Mahasiswa Kreatif, 2(4), 13–22.

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