The Needs Of Teaching English Phonology In Higher Education


  • Novia Amanda State Islamic University Of North Sumatera
  • Khairika Fitria Nasution State Islamic University Of North Sumatera
  • Yani Lubis State Islamic University Of North Sumatera



Analysis, Students' Needs, Learning Phonology


The research aimed to analyze students' need to learn English phonology at fourth semester students of English Study Program of Islamic university of north sumatera. Phonology is one of lessons that difficult to learn, because the students must concentrate and focus to learn it. To make students more understand in learning English phonology, the researcher need to know what students feeling before studying phonology and what their wish in learning it. Because of that reason, the researcher tried to analyze students' need in English phonology. There were two types of instrument to gather the data; questionnaire and interview. The total students in this research are 83 students, which consist of 41 students in class 2, and 42 students in class 4. The researcher analyzed students answer based on interview. The finding was students need lecturer to be patient to teach them in English phonology, the students need the lecturer explain topic per topic in slowly until they understood, the students need more practice or exercise than theory or discussion.

References kw/history/phon/a.htm

Josef Fruenwold. 2007. The Phonological Influence of Phonetic Change

Mahon,(2002), An Introduction To English Phonology, Edinburgh University Press

Sartika, Dewi. 2015. Students speaking skill in man Pasir Pengaraian




How to Cite

Novia Amanda, Khairika Fitria Nasution, & Yani Lubis. (2023). The Needs Of Teaching English Phonology In Higher Education. Jurnal Insan Pendidikan Dan Sosial Humaniora, 1(3), 118–125.