Menelusuri Jejak Damai: Kontribusi Tokoh Agama dalam Mewujudkan Kehidupan Beragama yang Harmonis
Religious Figures, Harmony, Religious Communities, CollaborationAbstract
In the midst of a complex and diverse society, this article explores the role of religious figures in shaping a harmonious religious life. It focuses on their contributions to fostering tolerance, dispelling religious stereotypes, and promoting mutual understanding. Challenges involve the complexity of belief diversity, including a lack of understanding and differences in the interpretation of religious values. However, amid these challenges, there are opportunities to build a stronger foundation of diversity. The method employed is the exploration of books and journals as primary references. The main results indicate that religious figures play roles as spiritual leaders, conflict mediators, and advocates of moral values. Challenges are addressed through dialogue, understanding, and collaboration among religious communities. Strategies and initiatives of religious figures involve concrete steps such as organizing dialogues and social activities. Interreligious collaboration is described as a collective effort for tolerance and cooperation. Case studies illustrate how religious figures can create harmony through dialogue, mediation, and inclusion. This article supports the understanding of the role of religious figures in shaping a harmonious and inclusive religious life.
Marissa Dwi Anjarahmi, "Peran Tokoh Agama dalam Meningkatkan Spiritualitas Masyarakat di Kabupaten Bojonegoro," Journal of Islamic and Social Studies (JISS) 1, no. 1 (August 2023): 15-24, doi:xxxxxxx/jiss.v1i1.xxxx.
Marissa Dwi Anjarahmi, "Peran Tokoh Agama dalam Meningkatkan Spiritualitas Masyarakat di Kabupaten Bojonegoro," Journal of Islamic and Social Studies (JISS) 1, no. 1 (August 2023): 15-24, doi:xxxxxxx/jiss.v1i1.xxxx.
Nurkholik Affandi, "Harmoni dalam Keragaman: Sebuah Analisis tentang Konstruksi Perdamaian Antar Umat Beragama," provided by E-Journal IAIN Samarinda (Institut Agama Islam Negeri).
Onong Uchjana Effendy, Dinamika Komunikasi, Sembilan (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2015),29.
Nurcholish Madjid, Tradisi Islam (Jakarta: Paramadina, 1997), p. 25.
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