Suara yang Terpendam Relasi Kuasa Terhadap Terjadinya Pelecehan Seksual di Lingkungan Akademik Malang
Sexual Harassment, Power Relations, Academic EnvironmentAbstract
Sexual harassment in academic settings often goes uncovered due to unequal power relations between perpetrators and victims. This phenomenon is of particular concern on Malang campuses, where victims feel intimidated and do not have a safe space to speak out. This research aims to explore how power relations contribute to the occurrence of sexual harassment and its impact on victims in the academic environment. A qualitative approach was used with a case study method at several universities in Malang. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with victims, witnesses, and campus administration, and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed that harassers often utilize positions of authority, such as lecturers, seniors, or campus staff, to commit acts of harassment. Victims, who are mostly students, are reluctant to report cases for fear of negative impacts on their education and career. The findings also reveal that the lack of strict campus policies and victim-friendly reporting mechanisms exacerbate the situation. This research highlights the importance of reforming campus policies and engaging the academic community in creating a safer and more equitable environment. This research suggests that universities in Malang need to strengthen reporting systems, introduce sexual harassment prevention training, and improve the structure of more equal relationships between students and faculty.
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