Peran Art Director dalam Pembuatan Kampanye Iklan “Jakarta 101” Wisata Lokal di Jakarta
Advertising Campaign, Local Tourism, Jakarta 101, Art DirectorAbstract
In the "Jakarta 101" advertising campaign, there are three local tourist locations in Jakarta that are rarely visited and hidden gems that we want to highlight, namely Difabis Kopi, Museum di Tengah Kebun, and Gang Hijau Cemara. In the process of creating this campaign, the Art Director has a central role. pre-production to post-production stages. The Art Director is responsible for designing the initial concept in the form of a visual concept, creating a logo, and executing the concept. The main objective of this advertising campaign is to introduce the unique side and hidden advantages of local tourist attractions in Jakarta , and also produce a campaign that is effective when viewed visually and in reading this journal, while presenting an innovative approach for those interested in opening a highly creative business both within and outside the city. The reasons behind the creator's initiative in creating the advertising campaign " Jakarta 101" is to spread awareness that amidst the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan city, there are unique locations such as coffee shops that empower individuals with disabilities, interactive museums with guides who discuss the meaning behind each historical artifact, as well as educational places that emphasize the importance of environmental awareness and recycling practices. This advertising campaign aims to increase tourists' interest in visiting local tourist attractions in Jakarta that are rarely visited and hidden gems in Jakarta.
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