Pancasila Sebagai Sistem Filsafat
Pancasila, Philosophical SystemAbstract
Pancasila, as the state foundation and ideology of the Indonesian nation, not only functions as a guide to national and state life, but also as a philosophical system that underlies the outlook on life, ideals and values held by Indonesian society. As a philosophical system, Pancasila contains five interrelated principles and forms an integral framework for thinking. These five precepts reflect universal noble values and contain moral principles that can be applied in various aspects of life. This study aims to analyze Pancasila as a philosophical system, explore the deep meaning of each principle, and understand its relevance and application in the context of modern life. Through a philosophical approach, it is hoped that this research can strengthen understanding of Pancasila as a moral and ethical foundation, as well as a guide in developing a just, prosperous and dignified society.References
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