Case Study : Physiotherapy Management of Drop Foot Condition e.c Morbus Hansen
Drop Foot, Exercise Therapy, Morbus hansenAbstract
Background: Morbus Hansen or better known as leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae which can affect the skin, nerves, respiratory tract, and other body tissues. Objective: the effectiveness of physiotherapy intervention in patients with drop foot e.c. morbus hansen in the form of active ROM exercises, strengthening and sensory stimulation. Method: this study uses a case study approach in patients with drop foot e.c. morbus hansen taken from RSUD Sumberglagah Mojokerto. Results: the provision of strengthening interventions increased muscle strength after 8 therapy sessions on the left plantar flexion movement from a value of 3 to 4, active ROM workouts also increased Range of Motion (ROM) after 8 therapy sessions in the sagittal plane of the left dorsi flexion movement from 20° to 35°, decreased tenderness in the left foot area after 8 therapy sessions from a value of 4 to a value of 1 and increased sensory on both soles of the feet on the left lateral and deskra inferior medial sides. Conclusion: Based on the research of the case study of droop foot ec morbus hansen, it shows that the intervention of ROM exercises, strengthening and stimulation of sensibility produces good results even though there are several aspects that have not shown significant results.
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