Pengaruh Penggunaan Masker Buatan Sendiri Campuran Alpukat dan Madu Terhadap Pencegahan Kulit Wajah Kering Pada Mahasiswi DIII Keperawatan Universitas Abulyatama
Avocado, Honey, Skin PreventionAbstract
Indonesia is a country that has a tropical climate that is full of abundant sunshine throughout the year. the role of the sun is very much needed for living things and also humans for survival, besides its benefits, ultraviolet rays can be harmful if exposed for too long so that it can allow exposure to rays (UV B) with high identity, which can cause adverse effects on the skin. Research Objectives To determine the Effect of Using Homemade Masks Mixed with Avocado and Honey on Preventing Dry Facial Skin in DIII Nursing, Abulyatama University Female Students. This study uses the Pre-Experiment method. The sample in this study used Acidental, which means that the researcher determined his own sample based on the criteria made by the researcher as many as 18 Respondents. The results of the study There is an Effect of Using Homemade Masks Mixed with Avocado and Honey on Preventing Dry Facial Skin in DIII Nursing, Abulyatama University Female Students with a p value = 0.000. The researcher expects the respondents to be used as a reference or guideline in preventing dry skin on their faces and maintaining the moisture of their facial skin.
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