Criminal Liability Of Dental Experts Suspected Of Malpractice
Criminal, Malpractice, Dental ExpertsAbstract
practicing license in a self-employed capacity. In order to prevent medical malpractice an activity or practice that is incorrect or deviates from the proper provisions or procedures dental experts adopt a professional approach. What constitutes criminal culpability for dental and oral therapists who engage in medical misconduct while working independently is the problem statement for this study. Determining criminal culpability for dental therapists who engage in medical misconduct while working independently is the goal of this study. The relevant law approach, the conceptual approach, and the problem approach are the research methods employed. According to the research findings, dental therapists must be held criminally responsible for any violations of their obligations that resulted in criminal acts while practicing independently. Articles 359 and 360 of the Criminal Code outline the criminal penalties that apply when a dental or oral therapist makes a mistake (negligence) that causes patients to suffer serious injuries or pass away. The therapist faces a maximum prison sentence of five years or a maximum prison sentence of one year. It goes without saying that criminal law theory must be followed in order to establish the criminal liability of dental experts for breaching their duties or engaging in careless behavior while working independently.The study's conclusion is that dental therapists must adhere to all applicable regulations when conducting their private business; if they do not and endanger patients, they will be held accountable and subject to criminal penalties.
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