The Influence of Learning Organization on The Performance of Non-Medical Staff With Job Satisfaction, Competency and Employee Engagement as Intervening Variables at Hermina Lampung Hospital
Learning Organization, Performance, Job Satisfaction, Competence, Employee EngagementAbstract
Hermina Hospital is one of the organizations that is a learning organization under the auspices of PT. Medikaloka Hermina Group. Hermina Hospital carries out Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to evaluate employees who work at Hermina Hospital. What is assessed from the KPI includes competency, performance, human resource development that is assessed, namely employee dropout and employee engagement with the company. Based on the results of interviews with the HRD department at Hermina Hospital, hospital employees with satisfaction, performance and strong attachment to the company were 73% of medical employees and 27% of non-medical employees. The data corresponds to the KPI values for the period December 2022-May 2023 from each KPI unit that is declared good is with a minimum value of 6 (six) or more, along with data with a KPI value of less than 6, namely Directors, Jangmed, HRD, Finance, Quality staff and Accreditation, General Support and JKN, CSSU, Marketing while the KPI scores in the good category are Nursing, Yanmed, Laboratory units. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of learning organizations on the performance of non-medical staff with job satisfaction, competence and employee engagement at Hermina Lampung Hospital. This research uses a questionnaire from the development of a previous research questionnaire. The questionnaire was collected using Google forms. This research uses a quantitative research method using a perception survey method to collect data from the population. This perception survey was conducted by distributing a list of questions to respondents. The survey conducted in this research was a cross-sectional survey. Apart from that, this research also used a quantitative descriptive approach using a total sampling that met the inclusion criteria of 58 respondents. Analysis using the path analysis method. The research results from data analysis showed that there was an influence between learning organization on performance, there was an influence of learning organization on job satisfaction, there was an influence of learning organization on competence, there was an influence of job satisfaction on performance, there was an influence of employee engagement on performance, while competency had no influence on performance.
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