Attitude and Pharmacovigilance on Implementation of Patient Safety Goals With Safety Culture as The Intervening Variable at RSUP East Jakarta
Attitude, Pharmacovigilance, Safe Culture, Patient Safety GoalsAbstract
Implementation of patient safety goals in hospitals is a form of hospital assessment in managing patient safety programs and the quality of services provided by hospitals to patients must ensure that patients are not involved in detrimental risks. Hospitals must implement a safety culture to make patient care safer. Attitudes and pharmacovigilance as well as the need to implement patient safety is the basis for the formation of compliance behavior in implementing patient safety goals. Based on the considerations above, it is very important to analyze the influence of attitudes and pharmacovigilance on the implementation of patient safety as well as safety culture targets as intervening variables. The research method used in this research is quantitative causality research with a cross-sectional research design approach with the aim of examining the influence of attitudes and pharmacovigilance on the implementation of patient safety goals which are mediated by patient safety and strengthened by the existence of a safety culture in the hospital. The samples used in this research were nurses, namely regular and executive inpatient units. The analysis technique used is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique where statistical data processing uses the Smart PLS program. The results of the study found that attitude and pharmacovigilance had a significant effect on the implementation of patient safety goals, indicating that there was a strong relationship between pharmacovigilance and the implementation of patient safety goals. Attitudes, pharmacovigilance, and safety culture together have a significant influence on the implementation of patient safety goals. Having a good level of understanding of pharmacovigilance and a good attitude have a good safety culture will increase the implementation of patient safety.References
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